Health and vaccinations

Tourists traveling to Tajikistan don’t need to be vaccinated, however, they should have the latest in Tetanus and Typhoid in addition to Polio, Hepatitis A and Polio. Malaria is also able to be seen in Tajikistan and it’s best to talk with your physician for guidance on immunisations.

Cultural Sensitivity

There are many opportunities to interact with locals, each with their own distinctive customs and traditions. It is your responsibility to show respect and consideration towards locals. The tour guides and tour guides will always be able advise you accordingly.

One thing to remember about traveling through Central Asia is that most regions, especially the towns and cities, are much more relaxed approach to Islam than their neighboring areas to the south in Afghanistan and Pakistan. But it is important to be kept in mind that this is technically an Muslim region and an extra dose of caution is recommended in certain places. Long shorts and T-shirts are acceptable for males and females in cities, however should you visit any mosques with active worshippers, everyone should wear trousers which are shorter than the knee and tops that cover their shoulders. Women must also wear an asymmetrical head scarf. In this tour, we’re travelling in quite remote areas which are rarely visited by tourists. The people of the area are modest in their attire and therefore you’re likely to be more comfortable with your dress.

Language and Religion

Tajik is the official language spoken in Tajikistan. Russian is still used routinely to communicate and for business.

Most people follow Sunni Islam. A small percentage of people follow the religions of Russian Orthodox, Catholicism and Buddhism.

Food and drink

The food served on this tour is mainly on soups, meat and potatoes. In remote areas and at higher elevations, vegetables can be difficult to come by. However, there’s a lot of dried fruits and nuts that you can taste.

The alcohol choices are limited to vodka or beer. vodka. Anyone wanting to try other drinks – like Scotch or Gin is advised to purchase it duty-free and bring it with them. Mixer drinks like tonic water aren’t easy to locate, however.

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